Funding for research and Inovation park

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An endowment is a contribution to the assets of the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation. An endowment makes sense, for example, if you wish to support a specific cause but do not want to establish your own foundation for this purpose. In contrast to donations, endowments do not have to be used promptly, but are permanently added to the foundation's assets. An endowment can also be any small or regular contribution and, like a donation, it is tax-deductible.

Support research & Expirement

Maike Grundmann will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Tel: +49 8808 921 08 111

Book 15 min Meeting

is a global movement empowering young people and organizations to restore forest ecosystems and fight for climate justice. To do so, we educate young people, restore ecosystems, conduct restoration research, provide free software tools and restoration advice for organizations around the world.

We believe that we need to protect the world’s three trillion trees and bring back a further one trillion trees.

@ Gray to Green all right reserved 2024

    Under Development